Sunday, September 23, 2012

3 Nesting Hens

I woke up this morning and being a nice fall day, I wanted the chicks to come out and free range in the yard for a while.  As I went to their run, they weren't in there.  I went and looked in the coop, nothing!  Then I opened the door and saw all 3 of them nesting!  Later on, I went and collected eggs and gathered 2 eggs... it seems like Princess Aurora is still working on her first egg.  I have heard of people building 5 nest boxes only for all the chickens to use one.  I was happy to see each nest being used this morning and that each chicken has enough room to do their business!
3 chickens nesting, Left to Right,  Princess Aurora, Mermaid and Belle.

1 comment:

  1. interesting that each one is in it's own box. Ours use locations in the yard and only one of the boxes. did they cluck at you when you walked into the coop? mine cluck and seem to yell and scream till you leave. must be how I feel when going to the bathroom and someone walks in.
