Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Little Tikes

The chickens getting some water out of our lil girls water table.  :)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

18 Weeks/Feed

The chickens turned 18 weeks and are really big!  Its not just their size, but their appetite too.  When they were just little chicks, it took 12 weeks to go through a 25lb bag of the Start&Grow chick feed.  Now as they are a little older, it took 6 weeks to go through the same bag!  I equate the change in feeding a baby boy to feeding a teenage boy.  :)

But now that they are about ready to lay eggs, its time to switch their feed.  I stopped by the Golden Mill yesterday and picked up a 50 lb bag of the Purina Layena crumbles. They say to start the chickens on the Layena about 1 month before they start laying eggs and keep them on the feed through their laying cycle. It sounds like a good feed for them because its free of animal proteins and fats too to help the chickens made strong good tasting eggs.  

I also picked up some straw to start geting their nest box ready.  The chicks have been digging in the mulch around the yard a lot more and its start to look like a war zone with all the random bomb blast holes chicken holes in the mulch.  Since its been a bit cooler lately, I'm taking the behavior as they are starting to feel like nesting.  I'll post some photos of the nest box as soon as I get the straw in.

Speaking of straw, I had to buy a bale of straw...  its quite a bit for my three chickens.  What do others do to store their extra straw?  Is it worth trying to save the unused amount of straw?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Chicken Video

Here is a time lapse video of the girls.  I have a little FlipHD camera that I set up early one morning to capture what the chickens do when waking up for the day.  I found it interesting to watch what they find interesting...

Monday, August 13, 2012

17 Weeks

Princess Aurora, Mermaid and Belle - 17 Weeks old
Summer is quickly coming to an end which means eggs should be here pretty soon.  I have enjoyed the growth of the chicks over the last few months.  At the beginning of summer, I had just built the coop and even brought out a heat lamp to keep the little girls warm.  Now I let them out for 3-4 hours a day to roam the backyard them.  I even ran an errand to the store once while the chickens were free ranging.  Through the fall, the days will get cooler and their time outside the coop will shorten, which will make me a little sad.  I'll do my best to let them have some free time after work.

My son is captivated by the chickens
My son who is a little over 6 months nowLOVES to watch the chickens.  We go out in the back yard while the chicks are free ranging and he just sits and follows them.  They are a little curious but mostly just wonder around the grass and shrubs.
My son following the chicks.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Our little cat, Ani, hanging out with the chickens
We have two cats along with the chickens.  Both cats are pretty good hunters and over the years, we have had a wide variety of 'hunts' brought into the house from snakes, bunnies, birds and voles.  While the chickens were smaller, both cats would come outside and immediately you could tell they were about to pounce on the chicks.  I don't know if its the chickens recent bigger size, or that the chickens have learned to flap and protect themselves, but the cats and chickens now live in harmony... well, maybe not harmony, but at least they call all be outside in the backyard together.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

16 Weeks

Not too much to say, so I thought I would post some picts of the chickens and kids.

Here is a photo of my daughter going out one afternoon to check on the chickens.

Here are my two nieces with Mermaid.